Become a member

Cinécoop has adopted a structure that allows for two categories of members.

1. Worker members

Co-owners and voting members at the Annual General Assembly (AGM). Worker members are the employees of the Coop responsible for the administration of the company and the services offered to its members. There are currently three worker members: Geneva Guerin, Martine Asselin, Gabi Kislat.

2. Associate members

Creative and technical team members who benefit from the Coop’s production services. Associate members are voting members at the Annual Orientations Assembly (AOA). Annual associate member fees cost $25+tx. For more information see Why Coop? section.

Benefits for associate members

As an associate member, you can:

  • Propose project ideas to be supported by Cinécoop for evaluation by the selection committees.
  • Receive invitations for all of Cinécoop’s activites.
  • Participate in the Annual Orientations Assembly, which defines Cinécoop’s strategic priorities.
  • Participate in decision-making regarding how to allocate annual surpluses. For example:
  • Allocate surplus to preferred shares for AMs
  • Allocate surplus toward an internal creative project to employ Ams
  • Participate in various committees and the Board of the Coop

In addition, if you are a director / scriptwriter member:

  • You play an important role in decision-making regarding the financial management of your project.
  • You maintain all creative control of your projects.
  • You maintain author’s rights and receive the surplus funds generated by your projects.

Letter of intent to become an Associate Member