Documentary in development

Flickr treeSynopsis

Scientists are currently hard at work unraveling how person’s lived trauma can be stored and passed down to future generations through cellular memory. “Inheritance” explores this emerging field – epigenetics – by considering if war traumas could have been passed down within the filmmakers’ families.

Constitution of family trees for the two families is the main vehicle driving the story arc. The research, guided by a professional in the field of geneological therapy, will use epigenetics as a frame to offer a new understanding into emotional illness, certain phobias and other physical illnesses experienced by one generation, as being linked to lived experiences of past generations. Ultimately we will learn how individuals can potentially impact their own epigenome in order to release traumas of past generations, encoded in DNA, to limit the effects of transgenerational transmission.


Director: Geneva Guerin

Format: 52 minutes

Project is currently in development.